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KCIS 2013
The Profession of Arms in Contemporary Perspective
Has war-fighting evolved over the past ten years of continuous war-fighting since the events of September 11, 2001, and what impact has this evolution had on Western armed forces, particularly their armies? Has the public perception of the countries that deploy troops changed significantly towards expectations of ethical and moral conduct of their armed forces in such operations? How have operations in a theatre marked by targeted killings, drone strikes, counter-insurgency, and “green on blue” attacks affected the armies that have fought in these wars? What impact have these operations had on our understanding of just war? How can armed forces maintain leadership development and the successful reproduction of skill sets accumulated during a decade of conflict? What “lessons learned” from earlier eras can be applied for what might be an extended period when the armed forces might not be called on to engage in combat operations? How do armed forces respond ethically to the health and well-being of those members of the armed forces who have served in high-tempo conflict overseas? What challenges do political leaders and armed forces leaders face as they seek to entrench military professionalism and the profession of arms?
KCIS 2013 Program [PDF 723kb]
KCIS 2013 Proceedings Report [PDF 195kb]
Opening Keynote:
Dr. Asa Kasher, Tel Aviv University, Israel
The Profession of Arms: An Ethical Approach
Panel 1: Just War and the Profession of Arms
Dr. David Whetham, King's College London at the Joint Services Command and Staff College, UK
Dr. Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger, Royal Military College of Canada
Panel 2: Civil-Military Relations
Ambassador Tim Martin , Canadian Ambassador to the Republic of Colombia
Professor Steve Saideman, Paterson Chair in International Affairs, Carleton University [PDF 160kb]
Panel 3: Perspectives from Other Allies
Brigadier Barry Le Greys, British Defence Advisor, British High Commission
Dr. Henrik Heidenkamp, Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies (RUSI)
Lieutenant Colonel Steve Mott, Australian Army Liaison to the Canadian Forces
Panel 4: Ethical Warriors: Developing the Ethic
Dr. Deanna Messervey, Director General Military Personnel Research & Analysis, National Defence [PDF 156kb]
Dr. Olenda Johnson, Strategic Leadership and Leader Development, U.S. Naval War College [PDF 395kb]
Francis Clermont, Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruitment School
Panel 5: Expanding the Ethic: Health and Well-being
Dr. Alice Aiken, Director, Canadian Institute for Military and Veterans Health
Dr. Peter Bradley, Royal Military College of Canada
Panel 6: Meeting the Challenges
Brigadier-General Eric Tremblay, Commandant, Royal Military College of Canada
Dr. Don M. Snider, Center for the Army Profession and Ethic (CAPE), US
Dr. Joel Sokolsky, Principal, Royal Military College of Canada
General (ret.) Walter Natynczyk, former Chief Defence Staff, Canadian Forces
Military Leaders and the Ethics of Messaging